Welcome to the Advanced Reactor Computation And Simulation (ARCAS) website!
Latest News
We are slow to update this… to say the least.
There are two main areas of research for the ARCAS group. First, Prof. Downar, with several students, have developed and maintained the PARCS Nodal Simulator since 1996. PARCS is the primary neutronics auditing tool use by the US Nuclear Regulator Commission for reactor licensing and evaluation. More information can be found on the PARCS page. The second area of research is centered around AGREE. AGREE is an advanced, full core, gas dynamics and neutron diffusion code. Originally developed by Dr. Volkan Seker for PBMR analysis. AGREE is continuously developed by staff and students at the University of Michigan.
Recent Updates to the Site
- This page.
- Updated Dissertations
- Updated journal articles (this page only)
Coming soon…
We hope to add some content along the following lines soon.
- Technical Reports
- More details on projects…
- More details on courses…
- More details on people